Yamaha Yzf R1 Top Speed

Yamaha Yzf R1 Top Speed



46 Posts

Discussion Starter · #1 ·

ok ok before you all go chomping away at the bit about this thread already being out there, lets calm down. My best friend and i both own '07 R1's and his is stock and mine has just aftermarket GYTR exhaust slip ons. we have done our share of speeding when no one is around and always wanted to see what the bike could do. well we grew some balls this weekend and decided to open them up wide open on a straight road that no one drives on. We did our first run and my best friend said he hit 186mph on his, but i hit 189mph on mine. We thought this was because i had aftermarket exhaust, so we went back to check this theory and ran them wide open again. this time he said that he hit 189mph also and i had done the same. We did this 7 more times and held them at 189 for about 30 seconds at a time trying to touch 190 but never did. they always just read 189. My other friend mentioned that the reason they wont read faster is because the speedometers digital is set up to max at 189mph. is this true?




3,860 Posts

Honestly, does it really matter? Fast is fast...then's there loco fast. You my friend, went loco fast...be safe bro, you might want to keep your head up and eyes forward at those speeds.




17 Posts

All four major Japanese bike manufacturers limit their bikes to 300km/h or about 186 MPH. They won't go any faster unless you remove that limitation.




27 Posts

To answer the question...yes, the speedometer will not read over 189...you can still pull faster when the speedo gets to that mark, but it wont register. Also you should know that youre not really going that fast...more likely in the 160s-170s. Im not sure what a GPS would actually track you at. That would be interesting to see what the REAL top speed is.
Oh yeah...Ride Safe!




114 Posts

I don't think the dash will read above 189. You do know that the dash reads way high. If you put a gun on them, I would bet they are going in the mid to high 170's.




9,251 Posts

R1 has no speed limiter on it, unlike gsxr and busa/zx14. and yes max speedo will read is 189, tho its not accurate at that speed. really more realistic like 174-178mph on real gps. either way its fast.




136 Posts

ok ok before you all go chomping away at the bit about this thread already being out there, lets calm down. My best friend and i both own '07 R1's and his is stock and mine has just aftermarket GYTR exhaust slip ons. we have done our share of speeding when no one is around and always wanted to see what the bike could do. well we grew some balls this weekend and decided to open them up wide open on a straight road that no one drives on. We did our first run and my best friend said he hit 186mph on his, but i hit 189mph on mine. We thought this was because i had aftermarket exhaust, so we went back to check this theory and ran them wide open again. this time he said that he hit 189mph also and i had done the same. We did this 7 more times and held them at 189 for about 30 seconds at a time trying to touch 190 but never did. they always just read 189. My other friend mentioned that the reason they wont read faster is because the speedometers digital is set up to max at 189mph. is this true?

If you really want to know what your top speed is have it put on a dyno and have them do a top speed run in 6th gear. My 04 r1 hit 191 on the dyno before the rev limiter kicked in, but I don't know what the speedometer was reading because the dyno mechanic was on the bike. :rock

All sport bikes have restricted top speed. Only the Suzukis and the Kaws have restricted 1st and 2nd gears. :secret:




3,774 Posts

The actual top speed of a stock 07 R1 is 183.x mph, confirmed by GPS according to the tests in the mags, even though it registers as 189....the gixxer1000 and zx-10 are around 184, and cbr1000 is 178-179....

when it first its 189, you are probably in the mid to upper 170s, and the tach will keep pulling, even though it still registers as 189....

the zx-10 also registers up to 189, while the Honda and suzuki register as 186....when you are tached out in a full tuck, you can only achieve top speed....

try not to do this on public roads




34,490 Posts

All four major Japanese bike manufacturers limit their bikes to 300km/h or about 186 MPH. They won't go any faster unless you remove that limitation.





21,676 Posts

Do the same speed run over again, but this time use a handheld GPS to record your max speed to compare the two bikes.




28 Posts

To answer the question...yes, the speedometer will not read over 189...you can still pull faster when the speedo gets to that mark, but it wont register. Also you should know that youre not really going that fast...more likely in the 160s-170s. Im not sure what a GPS would actually track you at. That would be interesting to see what the REAL top speed is.
Oh yeah...Ride Safe!

I got mine set up on the Dyno & the top speed in a closed envoirment was 181 mph @ 162bhp. :)




9,251 Posts

All sport bikes have restricted top speed. Only the Suzukis and the Kaws have restricted 1st and 2nd gears. :secret:

most bikes are not limited, R1 is not limited by any means. its gearing, rpms, horsepower, wind drag. flat out bike wont pull past that speed, so they dont incure anything to limit it..yet. kawi zx14 has secondary butterflies that does knock down first gear, take them out and map it and it flies. now busa does, as it retard timing in 6th, b-king does 5th and 6th i believe(08 busa may also be 5th and 6th). dont know about kaw zx10, 14 does have some sort of limiter on it. with aerodynamics R1 doesnt have HP to achieve anything more stock... now get some more HP and change gearing..then go as fast as u wallet lets u go.



974 Posts

the R1 is not limited by anything except lack of aerodynamics and lack or horsepower. I regeared mine,, and corrected the speedo,, which now reads lower than stock bikes,,, Speedo will read 180-181 at rev limit.. A stock R1 with stock gearing will not hit rev limit in 6th.... speedo will NEVER read more than 189



20 Posts

I have an o7 R1 and hit 296kmh on the speedo, getting to that speed and was not the problem keeping the front wheel down was, I found that the front of the bike just wanted to lift up and point to the sky and as we all no at that speed, any movement you make on the bike changes the way it handles.

Has anyone else had this problem

Ride Hard Or Stay Home




4,402 Posts

at 296 your bike wanted to wheelie?



11,161 Posts

I have an o7 R1 and hit 296kmh on the speedo, getting to that speed and was not the problem keeping the front wheel down was, I found that the front of the bike just wanted to lift up and point to the sky and as we all no at that speed, any movement you make on the bike changes the way it handles.

Has anyone else had this problem

Ride Hard Or Stay Home

Yes. You need to setup your suspension period and recalibrate it for high speed runs to keep the front down and the bike stable!

at 296 your bike wanted to wheelie?





3,774 Posts

I have an o7 R1 and hit 296kmh on the speedo, getting to that speed and was not the problem keeping the front wheel down was, I found that the front of the bike just wanted to lift up and point to the sky and as we all no at that speed, any movement you make on the bike changes the way it handles.

Has anyone else had this problem

Ride Hard Or Stay Home

you should have worn your parachute:lol:fire




4,402 Posts







20 Posts

G-Day Fullhouse.
Yeh the thing just wanted to pick the front end up, I have tried to move further forward to keep it down.

Maybe as SAL R1 suggests I will have to reset the suspension.

Are you coming down for the Motogp at the Island, should be a great weekend.

Ride Hard or Stay Home



46 Posts

Discussion Starter · #20 ·

I appreciate everyones insight and confirming that it wont read passed 189mph. i have a gps but i'm going to wait to use it when i go to the track. i think there is a lot less of a chance of a deer jumping out in front of me at the track. oh and by the way, at full throttle a butterfly hit my arm and left a bruise, what is that about? haha good thing it wasnt a bird.

Yamaha Yzf R1 Top Speed

Source: https://www.r1-forum.com/threads/07-r1-top-speed.244853/


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